Welcome to Made in America Again

a coalition of organizations dedicated to building healthy American communities by buying things made in those communities. At MIAA we are rebuilding the middle class through the power of consumer choice.

A message from our founder . . .

In this video, MIAA founder Jim Stuber explains the terrible toll sending our manufacturing jobs to China and elsewhere has taken on Americans, their families, and their communities, and how we, as "Citizen Consumers" can change that. 

How we are organized

MIAA comprises three affiliated organizations . . .


At Made in America again, Inc., we educate consumers and policymakers on the terrible toll sending jobs overseas has taken on our communities, and how consumers can solve it. (MIAA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation.)


 At MIAA Action, Inc., we advocate for the enactment of clear country-of-origin labeling laws and the adoption of buy-American policies by governments and companies. (MIAA Action is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit corporation.)


At Strathmore Capital Partners, we facilitate the expansion of American production and employment by providing growth capital to technology and advanced manufacturing located in the United States. 

. . . We urge you to become familiar with each of these organizations and join in the cause. By buying things made in American communities, consumers - and governments and companies when they are acting as consumers - can restore the vitality of those communities, who can say, “We make things here again.”

Built on a foundation of facts

MIAA founder Jim Stuber’s “lightbulb moment” led him on a journey to learn why everything seemed to be made somewhere else, whether that was causing a problem, and if so what could be done about it. 

He invites you to go on that journey in his 2017 book, What If Things Were Made in America Again: How Consumers Can Rebuild the Middle Class by Buying Things Made in American Communities. 
MIAA’s foundational document, the book reveals the truth about sending jobs to other countries, how it’s destroying our future, and, most importantly, how consumers can solve the problem.   For further information and to order a copy, visit: www.themadeinamericabook.com

Jim's book also is available for purchase on Amazon.

"James Stuber’s What if Things were Made in America Again is a data rich chronicle of the toll globalization and trade policies have imposed on American jobs, wages, and the social and economic fabric of our communities. . . Take a look at his website and join him in building a consumer movement that, if successful, might just change the direction of this country in a way that restores the American Dream for the next generation." 


-- MIT economics professor Thomas Kochan, author of Restoring the American Dream: A Working Families’ Agenda for America (MIT Press).

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